11th Graders Kick Off Their College Journeys 

During our Intersession days, our 11th graders began working with their college counselors during their annual college kickoff program. Their journey began with an informative introduction to Gann’s college counseling resources; students met with their respective counselors, heard a presentation from an admissions counselor from Syracuse University, learned new vocabulary, dispelled some myths about the college application process, and started to think about the year ahead. 

Throughout the day, they delved into how to investigate colleges, heard a presentation about standardized tests, and attended a workshop on making the most of college visits. 

Putting their new knowledge into action, the next day, students visited Brandeis University and Boston University. These visits included admissions information sessions, tours, a delicious kosher lunch at Brandeis, and student panels on both campuses that offered perspectives on the college investigation process. An exciting highlight was the opportunity to connect with Gann alumni Jordan Kramer ’21 and David Kotton ’21 during a Boston University Hillel panel, which provided valuable insights into today’s Jewish experience on college campuses. 

A huge shout-out to our dedicated college counselors for organizing the kickoff program, our college visit chaperones, and the universities for making this educational experience possible.

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Testimonial 7

We support Gann for its dedication to inclusivity and exceptional educational standards. We appreciate how its diverse community, intertwined with Jewish values, promotes mutual respect, learning, and growth among all students.

– Shira Lewin, Parent ’22, ‘26x

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